31st month (January 2007)

This is a very short month due to holidays and Peter working on his car.

Month 31 (January 2007)
Start of the month
Month 31 (January 2007)
End of the month

32nd month (February 2007)

This month Peter finished the frame :-)

Month 32 (February 2007)
The frame is done.
Month 32 (February 2007)
From inside
Month 32 (February 2007)
Close-up of top part and bottom part for the front frame.
Month 32 (February 2007)
Notice that the frame is 'flattened' to take flat windscreens.
Month 32 (February 2007)
Welded in the levelling frame (blue), as the floor slopes down at the front, but we want a level motorhome floor.
Month 32 (February 2007)

We sealed the aisle with sheet to prevent water coming in. We used plenty of Sikaflex!
Month 32 (February 2007)
The front step (to driver area) is sheeted.
Month 32 (February 2007)
Time to fixed bin door frames.
Month 32 (February 2007)
This is the electrical panel door frame. First to old rusty part is cut-out.
Month 32 (February 2007)

The door frame is repaired.
Month 32 (February 2007)
And a closer look at the corner.
Month 32 (February 2007)
End of month

33th month (March 2007)

We ordered the roof fibreglass panel end of last month and we will purchase the windows this month. (at least one of each size).

Month 33 (March 2007)
Fixing the bin area (before)
Month 33 (March 2007)
Month 33 (March 2007)
Month 33 (March 2007)
Month 33 (March 2007)
The frame is ready for the bin doors
Month 33 (March 2007) Wheel guard is fixed
Month 33 (March 2007)
The roof panel
Month 33 (March 2007)
arrived in this month.
Month 33 (March 2007) Window frames made Month 33 (March 2007) and windows test fitted
Month 33 (March 2007) Inside look (frames Month 33 (March 2007) and windows)
Month 33 (March 2007) The other side of the motorhome Month 33 (March 2007) Looking from front to rear.

Go to Months 34-36 (April - June 2007)